If you’re already sick of politics, may we tempt with you an election that does not include any televised debates or even money and will wrap up in less than two months?

It’s time to elect officers and board members for the Society of Professional Journalists Rio Grande Chapter.

Your board is tasked with improving the state of journalism in New Mexico; working cooperatively with other directors on fundraising, membership and programming; and bringing innovative ideas and energy related to training, transparency and other issues critical to our state’s journalists.

If that sounds like the job for you or someone you know, please consider submitting a nomination. The board has four officers and seven at large board members. Each serves a one-year term starting Jan. 1. Officers are limited to three consecutive one-year terms.

Nominations will be accepted via e-mail from now until Nov. 30.

To declare your candidacy, send a short bio and a photo to the chapter’s current secretary, Andrew Oxford, at andrewoxford (at) gmail.com. Please specify if you are running as a director or officer.

We’ll post the slate of candidates at NMSPJ.org Dec. 3.

Voting will be open Dec. 4-11.

You will receive more details about how to vote a couple weeks before the election.

To qualify as a candidate, you must be a current member of SPJ and reside in New Mexico or the El Paso region.

Everyone has busy schedules, but becoming involved in the chapter is a great way to invest in your career, improve the state of journalism in the state, stay engaged in the local journalism community, and network with colleagues.  

Here are the open 2014 positions:

President: Organizes and presides at meetings of the chapter membership and board of directors. Appoints committee chairs and committee members. Assists committee members with planning and communication. Serves as the official spokesperson for chapter.

Vice President for Communications: This Vice-President is the officer in charge of chapter communications. Communicates with members, publicizes job openings and events via email newsletter, website, Facebook, Twitter, etc. May appoint members to assist with the internal communications work and website maintenance.

Vice President for Development: This Vice-President is in charge of membership development may appoint other members to assist with contacts of prospective members and membership campaigns.

Note: Either Vice-President may preside at chapter board meetings or membership meetings in place of the President when the President cannot attend or temporarily relinquishes the chair.

Secretary: Writes and maintains official minutes of all regular and special call board meetings. Handles correspondence as directed by the president. Notifies national office annually of names of new officers and date that they will take office.

Treasurer: Collects dues, Pays bills.  Prepares budgets. Maintains financial records of the chapter including an annual financial statement of income and expenses. Files any financial reports required. Submits books to chapter’s Audit Committee for annual audit.

Board members at large (6 spots)

Categories: SPJ Board